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When interacting with clients there will be times when two or more people are part of a singular sale or transaction. You can manage these relations by using Contact-to-Contact Association. This will link contacts together using custom labels that help you define and manage relationships between contacts simplifying communications.
⭐️How Is This Feature Beneficial To Your Business?
Custom Contact Associations: You can associate two to ten contacts with custom labels or label pairs such as “Parent”, “Spouse” or "Husband-Wife", "Manager-Employee"
Contact Associations View: You can view all linked contacts, group by association labels, in the contact details inside a new dedicated section.
Linked Contact Interaction: This feature allows easy access to the related contacts’ profiles and displays some of their contact information, such as email and phone, from their associated profile.
⭐️How To Create Contact-to-Contact Association:
Navigate to the Objects section inside your account settings, and select Contacts.
Click "+ Create Association," choose between a single label or pair of labels, enter their names, and click Save.
Open a contact's detail page, go to the "Associations" section on the right panel, and click +Add.
Select the contact to associate, choose the relevant labels for the relationship then click save.
Contact-to-Contact Association will help you keep relationships clear and organized, making communication smoother and ensuring you have easy access to all related contact information as needed.